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Serving the Jewish Russian community in South Richmond Hill & Maple

Western Wall Bar MItzvah

Preparing Jewish boys for adulthood

Bar Mitzva Lessons

A boy attains his religious maturity and becomes responsible at the age of 13. He is then considered a Jewish adult. At this age, young men gain the intellectual maturity to discern between right and wrong and modify their behavior accordingly.


This occasion is cause for great celebration and gratitude to G‑d, and hence the Bar Mitzvah ceremony. It is important to note that a boy becomes Bar Mitzvah automatically on his thirteenth birthday, with or without a party!


We offer both a Bar Mitzvah Club & private Bar Mitzvah lessons. To arrange private lesson with Rabbi Avrohom Zaltzman please click here.


More about Bar Mitzvah Club:


The goal of the Bar Mitzvah club is to teach your son all about this stage of his life and why it’s so important, prepare him for this momentous occasion and make sure he celebrates it meaningfully and properly.


The club will incorporate Hebrew reading, how to put on Tefillin, and prepare each child to read their individual portion of the Torah. Each club meeting will combine education and fun. ​


Your son will learn about what it really means to be Jewish, and why the most important Jewish teen in the world is…your son! 

The club runs through the entire school year, beyond the boy's Bar Mitzvah alone.


For location and time information, the calendar of the school year of 2023/2024, and tuition and registration information, choose from the menu below.


Click here for a full year calendar, including special programs and celebrations, and location information:


Click here for tuition information/rates and to register your child!

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Our Curriculum is a thought through, comprehensive learning system that will really ready your son for his bar Mitzva 

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